Red Nails was originally published in Weird Tales as a serial from July to October, 1936. Robert E. Howard was a true master of fantastical stories. Never a dull moment, the story starts off with Valeria on the run from the brother of a man she slew in defence of her honour. Unbeknownst to her, however, Conan was also after her trail.
Along their way to the ultimate setting of this tale they slay a dragon. They then participate in destroying a small civilization, a sordid wizard and sorceress with occasional blood letting, female-on-female flagellation, near-human sacrifice with Valeria on the sacrificial table rescued at the last moment by Conan himself. I don't know if there's much sword-and-sorcery styled tale that can compete with this tale. I highly recommend it.
According to Wikipedia's article, it is said to be one of, if not the best, tale of Howard's concerning the hero. I'm not certain I can confirm this at this time. However, it was an excellent read. Too many times I could see in my mind's eye an image stolen from the style of Boris Vallejo, the only artist to capture Conan in his true glory.
Gutenberg's coverage of Howard's work is somewhat anemic, and could seriously use some more.
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