Tarzan's son, Jack, largely inherits his father's traits as a wildman. However, one might say that he did not have his father's upbringing. Tarzan was raised by apes. Jack, on the other hand, was raised by a very civilized woman who did her best to keep Tarzan's nature out of her son. However, all was in vain.
An enemy of Tarzan's manages to lure and kidnap his son into the African jungle. However, Jack manages to escape with his friend, an ape who loves Tarzan, Akut. Akut teaches Jack everything that Tarzan's ape mother, Kala, did. He grows up strong and very much like his father, Tarzan: a lord of the jungle in his own right.
Meanwhile, the story of Meriem is thrown into the mix: a girl who is kidnapped and brought to the African jungle. Eventually, Jack rescues her from her cruel caretakers, and she becomes much like him.
Ultimately, everyone is united and the ending is a happy one. I would definitely say that this book was quite a bit of fun to read. I highly recommend it to people who enjoy a bit of an adventure. I guess that there is still a bit of the little monkey inside of me that really gets a kick out of Tarzan and his jungle. I suspect that there are millions more in the world who also harbour a similar little monkey that would really love to become reacquainted with Burroughs' Lord of the Apes.
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